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Technical translation
What is technical translation?
Name given to translations that require technical or engineering experience. In our ever-evolving world, the flow of technology and information is of great importance. In fact, the need for technical information is growing in almost every area of daily life. With the increasing need for technical information on these products and the correct transmission of usage data from a small product to a more valuable technological machine shows how important technical translation is.
A professional translation center should be preferred to ensure accurate data transmission. Because the experience of the translator who will provide the translation is an important point that will ensure the highest quality translation of the text to be translated.
Technical translation, unlike other translations, is informative and does not accept errors. For this reason, technical translation centers and translators must have sufficient quality, language, technique and experience.
Translation operations performed by inexperienced translators or translation centers in this area may result in future financial losses. For example, an error when translating machine operation data or instructions can be dangerous. Therefore, inconsistencies reduce people's interest in the product and material damage occurs.
With years of experience and a team of professional translators, Tesla Translation Center is ready to be your reliable partner in technical translations.
Key words
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scientific and technical translation, translation in the field of industry.